This year I am vowing to change some things in my life. I love how everyone sets goals on New Year's Day and I vowed last night I would do it. So here is the list for the year:
Lose XXpounds - I know I know, you can't see what I wrote, BUT I know. I just don't feel comfortable sharing that with the world just yet. Maybe when I lose XY then I can share it! I can tell you that it is a lot, but I think if I work really hard it is possible. I mean hello those people on the biggest loser do it!
Read a book a month - you would think as a teacher I would read a book a month, but I want to read a new book each month. A new one! Not just kids books, I would like to expand into real adult books.
Pay off a credit card - I'm in debt like the rest of the county, but I would so love to dig myself out of this hole. I can honestly say that I am at less than $6000 without student loans and that includes my car (which will be paid off this year!). As soon as I pay my car off, my plan is to take that money that I would have put toward my payment and save half of it and use the rest to pay on a credit card. In order to do that I will work on the ones with the least balance and move on up...
-Ritz Camera
-Home Depot (Eric and I share it...)
Work on a year supply. I never really saw the use for this until this economic crisis hit. How prepared our Leaders were! I know that each month I can do a little to get prepared and since it's just me, I should be able to do it quite easily. Do you think if I prepare for two that would help my chances of meeting "the one!"
Learn to love my calling - ok...I'm the primary president in my ward and it is such a struggle for me. Most weeks I go home crying or wishing they would release me. I get frustrated with peope and have low tolerance for people that whine. So, I want to love my calling. I don't want to just move through the motions, I really want it to mean something to me. I LOVE the KIDS! Don't get me wrong, I swear if I NEVER was anywhere but primary, I would be super happy. Those kids are great and I can't even put my finger on my frustrations. I mean if I could show you how the sunbeams try to do the signs for "I am a Child of God", my heart melts. They are so stinking cute! But I think I'm suppose to learn something in this calling and maybe it's just trusting that Heavenly Father does have a plan for me and I'm not just floating here trying to endure this life, but actually enjoying it.
Ok this is a strange one and maybe a little petty, but I want to put my feet in the ocean this year. I love that feeling! I love the crashing waves and if I have to drive myself to California this year, I want to do that!
Finish making my house look like a home. I've worked out the living room to where it looks like an adult lives here but I want the bedrooms to look like that too. Probably need to get rid of some junk and that would help.
Plant a garden. I love having flowers in my yard and this past year I was able to get sod for grass. But now I want to grow things! Cucucmbers, radishes, pumpkins, carrots, strawberries, green peppers, corn and an herb garden.
Ok this is the list for now. I plan to add things as I move along in the year and share my life. I love love love my family. I have the most adorable and sweet neices and nephews, so you will probably see a lot of them!
Welcome to 2009!